Last updated: 2015. dec. 11.
I. Personal data:
Name: Zoltán Néda
Born: 14. April 1964, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Address: RO-400408 Cluj-Napoca, str. Borsec nr. 3, ap. 43., Romania
Employment: Professor of Theoretical and Computational Physics, Babeş-Bolyai University, Department of Physics
Telephone: +40-364-110060, +40-745-310531
E-mail: [email protected]
Work-address: RO-400084 Cluj-Napoca, Str. Kogălniceanu 1, Romania
Work Phone and Fax: +40-264-405300/5156, +40-264-591906
Language skills: Hungarian – mother tongue, Romanian – fluent, English – fluent, French – fluent, Russian – reading
Scientific area: Statistical and Computational Physics
Research problems: Material Science, Solid State Physics, Interdisciplinary problems, Stochastic phenomena, Phase-transitions
II. Studies
- 1983-1987: B.Sc., Physics, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
- 1987-1988: M.Sc., Physics of Polymers, University of Bucharest
- 1991-1994: PhD, Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Physics, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. The title of the thesis: Monte Carlo methods in the study of magnetic ordering. Scientific supervisor: Prof. Dr. Coldea Marin.
III. Scientific carreer
- 1988-1990: Physicist, Institute for Nuclear Power Plants – Piteşti, Romania
- 1990-...: Professor of Theoretical and Computational Physics, Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Physics, Department of Theoretical and Computational Physics, Romania
- 1996-1997: Post-doc fellow, National Polytechnic Institute of Grenoble, France
- 1998-1999: Post-doc fellow, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
- 2000-2001, 2003-2004: Invited Professor, University of Notre-Dame, Department of Physics, USA
- from 2007: member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- 2009: visiting professor with the Physics Education doctoral school of Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest, Hungary
IV. Participation in research projects and grants:
- 1999-2000: member of the Fragmentations and cracks research programme of the NSF, Taiwan.
- 2000-2003: member of the Nonlinear Phenomena research programme financed by the Romanian National University Research Council (C.N.C.S.I.S.), Romania
- 2001-2003: project manager of the Physics of Complex Systems research programme of the Sapientia Fund’s Research Institute, Romania.
- 2002: project manager of the Phase transitions in sociological systems research programme of the BCPL, Norway
- 2004-2006: project manager of the Scaling laws in macro-ecology research programme of the Sapientia Fund’s Research Institute, Romania.
- 2005-2006: Project manager of the Modeling self-assembled nanostructures research programme financed by the Romanian National University Research Council (C.N.C.S.I.S.), Romania
- 2005-...: member of the Thin films, technology and computer simulations research programme of the MFA-KFKI, Budapest, Hungary, financed by OTKA, Hungary.
- 2006-…: member of the Nanobiospec research programme financed by CEEX, Romania
- 2007-2011 Spring-block models for complex phenomena, IDEI 2369, UEFISCDI research grant, project leader
- 2008-2012 Biologically inspired error tolerant electronic architectures, PNCDII-Partners 12121, UEFISCDI research grant, project leader for the physics part
- 2008-2012 Nanomanipulation of biomolecules with atomic force microscopy
- Compelx IDEAS 312, UEFISCDI research grant. project leader for the computer simulation part
- 2011-2016, Emergent synchronization in complex systems IDEI PCE-PNII 348 UEFISCDI research grant. project leader
- 2012-2014 Marie Curie postdoctoral grant supervisor
- 2012-2015 Evaluation of scientific performance by network analysis tools. UEFISCDI, PN2 PT PCCA 2011/3.2/0895 research grant. member + project leader
- 2012-2016 Exchange interactions in nano-composite materials. UEFISCDI PN-II-ID-PCE-2012-4-_0470 research grant. member
V. Present teaching activity:
present courses:
- Introductory Quantum Mechanics. (BsC, 2. year) - Babes-Bolyai University
- Elementary Statistical Physics (BsC, 3. year) - Babes-Bolyai University
- Stochastic Simulation Methods (MsC 2. year) - Babes-Bolyai University
- Basic models of Statistical Physics (Phd) - Babes-Bolyai University
- Collective Behaviors (PhD), Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest
VI. Scientific honours:
Invited professor, invited researcher
- 1999: invited researcher, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway
- 2000: fellow, Collegium Budapest, Institute of Advanced Studies
- 2000-2001: invited associate professor, University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA
- 2002: invited researcher, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
- 2003: invited researcher, KFKI-SZFKI, Budapest, Hungary
- 2003: invited professor, University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA
- 2004: NATO fellow, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal
- 2005-2006: invited researcher, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
- 2012: visiting researcher, North Eastern University, Boston, USA
- 2014: visiting researcher, Göthe Universitet, Frankfurt, Germany
Scientific prizes
- 2000: ‘Article of the year’ prize, Fizikai Szemle
- 2003: supervisor for the Junior Bolyai prize
- 2004: The “Ştefan Procopiu” prize of the Romanian Academy
- 2010: Research Excellence Prize of the Babes-Bolyai University
- 2011: Research Excellence Prize of the Babes-Bolyai University
- 2013: Prize of The national Student Research Council (Hungary) Master teacher medal
- 2013: Prize of the Hungarian Academy, Cluj Branch: Master of the Transylvanian Science
VII. Important scientific results
- Discovering the stochastic resonance phenomena in magnetic systems
- Discovering a scaling law for fragmentation phenomena and theoretical modeling
- Discovering and modeling of spiral cracks formed in drying granular materials
- Statistical Physics Approach for Sociological Phenomena: explaining the Pareto law, modeling coalition formation, describing and studying rhythmic applause and other synchronization phenomena
- A new and improved sun-position calculator (SPC)
- Introduction of a novel optimization governed emergent synchronization model
- Modeling nanostructures obtained through auto-organization processes
- Application of spring-block models for understanding complex phenomena
- Studying collective behavior in social, biological and economic systems by methods of statistical physics
- Elaborating methods for Monte Carlo simulations on CNN computers
- Revealing universalities in human mobility and modeling them
- Revealing the light-based construction of the tools of modern physics
VIII. Other Academic Activities (services)
- scientific refereeing (over 120 manuscripts)
- PhD supervising (over 10 graduated PhD students)
- MsC supervising (over 15 graduated MsC students)
- BsC thesis supervision (over 23 graduated students)
- vice-president of the Hungarian University Institute of Cluj
- president of the EMPIRX Association
- senate member of the Babes-Bolyai University
- one of the main organizer for the "Saturday Experiments" shows in Cluj
- main organizer of the annual meetings of the Hungarian physics Teachers in Transylvania
Summary of publication activity:
- ISI research papers: 91
- other international or national research papers: 32
- books: 4
- ISI citations: 2180
- Google Scholar citations: 4410
- Hirsch index: 18 (ISI), 25 (Google Scholar)